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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pokemon : Sapphire

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Game Name : Pokemon : Sapphire
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2005-09-10 00:36:00
Views : 21914

Uncatchable pokemon list

203 - Bulbasaur
204 - Ivysaur
205 - Venusaur
206 - Charmander
207 - Charmeleon
208 - Charizard
209 - Squirtle
210 - Wartortle
211 - Blastoise
212 - Caterpie
213 - Metapod
214 - Butterfree
215 - Weedle
216 - Kakuna
217 - Beedrill
218 - Pidgey
219 - Pidgeotto
220 - Pidgeot
221 - Rattata
222 - Raticate
223 - Spearow
224 - Fearow
225 - Ekans
226 - Arbok
227 - Nidoran (female)
228 - Nidorina
229 - Nidoqueen
230 - Nidoran (Male)
231 - Nidorino
232 - Nidoking
233 - Clefairy
234 - Clefable
235 - Paras
236 - Parasect
237 - Venonat
238 - Venomoth
239 - Diglett
240 - Dugtrio
241 - Meowth
242 - Persian
243 - Mankey
244 - Primeape
245 - Growlithe
246 - Arcanine
247 - Poliwag
248 - Poliwhirl
249 - Poliwrath
250 - Bellsprout
251 - Weepinbell
252 - Victreebel
253 - Ponyta
254 - Rapidash
255 - Slowpoke
256 - Slowbro
257 - Farfetch'd
258 - Seel
259 - Dewgong
260 - Shellder
261 - Cloyster
262 - Gastly
263 - Haunter
264 - Gengar
265 - Onix
266 - Drowzee
267 - Hypno
268 - Krabby
269 - Kingler
270 - Exeggcute
271 - Exeggutor
272 - Cubone
273 - Marowak
274 - Hitmonlee
275 - Hitmonchan
276 - Lickitung
277 - Chansey
278 - Tangela
279 - Kangaskhan
280 - Mr - Mime
281 - Scyther
282 - Jynx
283 - Electabuzz
284 - Magmar
285 - Tauros
286 - Lapras
287 - Ditto
288 - Eevee
289 - Vaporeon
290 - Jolteon
291 - Flareon
292 - Porygon
293 - Omanyte
294 - Omastar
295 - Kabuto
296 - Kabutops
297 - Aerodactyl
298 - Snorlax
299 - Articuno
300 - Zapdos
301 - Moltres
302 - Dratini
303 - Dragonair
304 - Dragonite
305 - Mewtwo
306 - Mew
307 - Chikorita
308 - Bayleef
309 - Meganium
310 - Cyndaquil
311 - Quilava
312 - Typhlosion
313 - Totodile
314 - Croconaw
315 - Feraligatr
316 - Sentret
317 - Furret
318 - Hoothoot
319 - Noctowl
320 - Ledyba
321 - Ledian
322 - Spinarak
323 - Ariados
324 - Cleffa
325 - Togepi
326 - Togetic
327 - Mareep
328 - Flaaffy
329 - Ampharos
330 - Sudowoodo
331 - Politoed
332 - Hoppip
333 - Skiploom
334 - Jumpluff
335 - Aipom
336 - Sunkern
337 - Sunflora
338 - Yanma
339 - Wooper
340 - Quagsire
341 - Espeon
342 - Umbreon
343 - Murkrow
344 - Slowking
345 - Misdreavus
346 - Unown
347 - Pineco
348 - Forretress
349 - Dunsparce
350 - Gligar
351 - Steelix
352 - Snubbull
353 - Granbull
354 - Qwilfish
355 - Scizor
356 - Shuckle
357 - Sneasel
358 - Teddiursa
359 - Ursaring
360 - Swinub
361 - Piloswine
362 - Remoraid
363 - Octillery
364 - Delibird
365 - Mantine
366 - Houndour
367 - Houndoom
368 - Porygon2
369 - Stantler
370 - Smeargle
371 - Tyrogue
372 - Hitmontop
373 - Smoochum
374 - Elekid
375 - Magby
376 - Miltank
377 - Blissey
378 - Raikou
379 - Entei
380 - Suicune

Quick experience points for weak pokemon
First get a weak pokemon (when you are at a badge like 3 or 4) then put it in front right. In battle switch it with a strong pokemon. You should get alot of experience points.

Get Mystery Events option
To get Mystery Events, go to Petalburg City pokemon center and talk to the guy that asks about your profile. Enter this:

Mystery Event Is Exciting

He will say that you are now a Mystery Events Club member, which unlocks Mystery Events in the New Game/Continue menu.

All Secret Base/Your Room Items

Small Table Fotree City 3000 Gold
Pokemon Table Fotree City 3000 Gold
Heavy Table Fotree City 6000 Gold
Ragged Table Fotree City 6000 Gold
Comfort Table Fotree City 6000 Gold
Bricks Table Fotree City 9000 Gold
Hard Table Fotree City 9000 Gold
Camp Table Fotree City 9000 Gold

Small Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Pokemon Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Heavy Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Ragged Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Comfort Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Brick Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Hard Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Camp Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold

Surf Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Thunder Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Fire Blast Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Powder Snow Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Attract Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Fissure Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Spikes Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Glitter Mat Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Jump Mat Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Spin Mat Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold

Ball Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Green Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Red Poter Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Blue Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Cute Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pika Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Long Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Sea Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Sky Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold

Pichu Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pikachu Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Marril Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Jiiglypuff Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Duskull Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Waynaut Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Baltoy Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Kecleon Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Azzurill Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Skitty Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Swablu Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Gulpin Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Treecko Mauville City Casino 1000 Coins
(20000 Poke)
Torchic Mauville City Casino 1000 Coins
(20000 Poke)
Mudkip Mauville City Casino 1000 Coins
(20000 Poke)
Wailmer Sootopolis City (given by someone) -
Lotad Given by Lanette (Sapphire) -
Seedot Given by Lanette (Ruby) -

Pika Skin Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Round Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Zigzag Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Spin Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Diamond Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pokeball Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Grass symbol Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Fire Symbol Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Water Symbol Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold

Red Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 3000 Gold
Tropical Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 3000 Gold
Pretty Flowers Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 3000 Gold
Colourful Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 5000 Gold
Big Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 5000 Gold
Gorgeous Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 5000 Gold

Red Brick Slateport Market 500 Gold
Blue Brick Slateport Market 500 Gold
Yellow Brick Slateport Market 500 Gold
Red Baloon Slateport Market 500 Gold
Blue Baloon Slateport Market 500 Gold
Yellow Baloon Slateport Market 500 Gold
C Low Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
D Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
E Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
F Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
G Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
A Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
B Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
C high mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
Blue Tent Trick House final prize (Sapphire) -
Red Tent Trick House final prize (Ruby)

A little tip to make Latios/Latias appear. (if your in the same area)
Ok, say Latias, or Latios (depends on game) is in the same area as you are, then ya search all around, then he fleds away and ya never get a chance to catch him, well, just use Sweet Scent! Sweet Scent has a 85.7% chance of having Latios attack you, if your in the same area.

Pokemon Contest
In Pokemon Contest houses, you may enter your Pokemon into a contest for a chance to win a medal. However if you enter without any Porok level ups, you will have a very low chance of winning. The way to raise this is to go out and find the trees with berries on them, then press A. You will then receive 1 to 4 berries. If you now go to a Pokemon House, you will see small gray machines on the right. The empty one on the top is for multi-player. For now, find a house in a city that only has a man at the bottom. Go to the other side of the machine and press A. You will then be asked to pick a Porok (berry) and throw it in. The spinner will come down and start moving. The objective is to press A just when the spinner hits your arrow:

Circle Within A Circle: Direct hit (much faster)
Circle: Near hit (slightly faster)
X: Miss (slower)

The faster you (and your opponent) get the spinner moving, the better. Once the meter at the top hits the end, it is over and the results and the fastest RPM the spinner was moving will appear. You will then receive a Blended Porok. The level of it depends on how fast you got the machine going. The average appears to be 11. Next, open your Special Items Pocket and go to your "Pez dispenser" type item (which you must have to play the game -- it is obtained from the girl in the first contest house). You will then pick a Blended Porok and feed it to a pet, making one of his Pokemon Contest stats (viewable in the Poke-Navi) go up. Some can even raise multiple stats. The more you do this, the better chance you have of winning.

Get flash and find Steven
The only way to get flash is to go to Granite Cave (in Dewfort Town) and talk to the person near the entrance. He will give you HM05. (Note: to use flash you need Dewforts badge) After defeating this towns gym leader teach HM05 to one of your pokemon. You will find Steven at the end of the cave. Talk to him to deliver the letter.

Catch Regice, Registeel and Regirock
First you have to have some Pokemon that know HM03 Surf, HM08 Dive and TMDig. Fly to Paciflog town. Go in the Pokemon Center and withdraw Wailord (evolution of waimer) and Relicanth (If you don't have these Pokemon yet catch a waimer with your super rod in the water near Mossdeap city.)

They are near Lv.35 so you have to train it to Lv.40 for it to evolve. Catch Relicanth underwater to the left of Mossdeap City. He is rare so have patience. Surf left and always stay on the bottom currents.

After you get to the 3rd or 4th square of land, you'll see the deep water. Dive in. Walk all the way to the top. Use Dig. Go through the door and go all the way to the top and read the words. Then press A again and all of the 3 doors (for the 3 regi's) will open. You probably already passed them before.

How to heal pokemon
While playing the game depoisit a pokemon in a computer then withdraw it.

Battle Tower tasks
Get 1-5 victories to earn the folowing:


Get 6 or more victories to earn the following:

Bright Powder
Choice Band
Focus Band
King's Rock
Mental Herb
Quick Claw
Scope Lens
White Herb

Get 50 victories in a row to earn the award ribbon and the silver shield.

Increased Chances Winning in Contests!
Are you tired of getting no votes in the contests? Well try this: Simply increase the stat you want to increase/Get out a Pokemon that has a very good CERTAIN condition. Then go to the Pokemon Fan Club in SLATEPORT CITY. Talk to the owner. If you have a Pokemon with a very good condition on top you will get a " " scarf, that increases the condition of the colored scarf. You may attach it to any Pokemon, even though the owner gave it to you because of your 1st Pokemon.


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